Thursday 23 August 2012

srsshimoga: famine and drought a view

srsshimoga: famine and drought a view: Famine and Drought, a view  Dear friends, if you have look at famines which haunted India for 2000 years past, the r...

famine and drought a view

Famine and Drought, a view 

Dear friends, if you have look at famines which haunted India for 2000 years past, the relief to the affected was very marginal. During the British period famines had there own rule and as there was no union of administration and no united efforts could be made to overcome these conditions , hence, Millions of people dead starving. Then India was divided between local chieften, kings and the British, Portuguese and French. Only after India has been ably overcome these famines and minimise the death toll to the minimum possible due to united administration and united India. Nehru was the first to understand these problems, who guided the Green Revolution to combat these famine conditions and struggled like anything to get help from US and other countries to save the Indians from the famine of 1956. You can see the film Mother India to know the days of those times